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Friday, May 1, 2015

Coasting in the Middle

It's a Friday afternoon, and I'm hitting the highway home from the greatest college town in the world, Gainesville, Florida.

A familiar scenario, and a drive that's become second-nature to me. Two hours of rolling down the highway with my music on; a strange sense of peace and relaxation sinks in, keeping frustrations with the occasional crazy, reckless drivers down to a minimum.

Yes, it's a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of life, a perfect chance for an outgoing introvert such as myself to sit back and unwind.

There's not much to see've got some cows, horses, trees, and the ever-present billboard advertisements. Other than that, I'm alone with my thoughts, free.

But there's a strange phenomenon about the highway. I find myself weaving in and out of lanes, passing slow drivers and letting fast drivers pass me. That's when I get to thinking...what's with drivers, and what are they thinking? And that's when I realized that there's SO much more to the three-laned road that brings me home.

For starters, you've got the fast lane. People rushing to get from one place to the next, pushing 15mph over the speed limit, with no regard or concern about being flagged down by the cops. Impatience, ambition, a strong desire to get moving. Not living in the present moment, but constantly craving the next.

I find myself in this lane sometimes, but I always move over when those forward thinkers come right up behind me, as if to say "I've got somewhere to be. I've got a life to live and you're holding me back." They ache for thrills, and they live for taking risks. Sure, they might slow down if they do get a speeding ticket, but despite the angst you feel toward them, you have to admire their sense of future, and the way they boldly book it down the interstate to get there.

Next, you've got the right lane. The slower track, people who are in no rush whatsoever. The people who take great care, perhaps wanting to enjoy the ride more than the destination. This lane is usually filled with truck drivers, and the stereotypical elderly age bracket (whose faith in the young drivers has long since been lost). They'll keep both hands on the wheel, in full control of their destiny. There will be no risks for them. Keep their job trucking groceries and goods, or keep their sanity by avoiding the speeders and tailgaters. 5-10mph under the speed limit is okay, because what's all the hurry?

Many highways are two-laned. The drivers must choose their fate: be fast and be free, or take time and slow down. But the best kind of highways are the ones with a middle lane...something that falls in between, where a choice can be compromised.

The middle lane. That's my favorite place to be. 21 years old and two speeding tickets under my belt...not my proudest accomplishment. I love taking risks sometimes, but my heart still jumps out of my chest every time I see a cop car. I enjoy the drive, but don't want to be slowed down. I can have both when I'm in the middle.

The middle is a melting pot. You've got your mix of all types of drivers. Yet, you're constantly feeling pressure to move to the right or the left...the rush of traffic on both sides can induce a minor wave of claustrophobia. But you can have your way in the middle. Weave around the slower traffic, or let the fast drivers pass's all fine. No one is mad that you're too fast or too slow, people will just move on, and that's the beauty of it all.

The middle lane allows your course of travel to be flexible. And when you live your life like the center of the world, taking in everything around you, and learning to adapt...that's when I believe you're living to the fullest. You don't have to pick a side. You may drift a little, but the appeal of the middle is so's hard to stay away for long, for me, at least.

So next time you're driving home, or driving anywhere, and you find yourself on an interstate, think about these things. Forget about the destination, but take pleasure in keeping up with the pace, observing the movement around you. That's the most refreshing part about driving, and a sure way to break the monotony of a long trip. Move around, explore the fast and the slow, but always come back to the middle...for it is there that you can always strike a deal.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

News: The difference between what it is to you, and what it is in reality

For those of you who have read my blog posts before, you know that I aspire to be a news reporter. With my training thus far has come eye-opening challenges, some I have met, some I am yet to meet, and some I am still working on. Although my exposure to what lies ahead is only to increase from here, there are things I have noticed from interacting with sources, friends, acquaintances, etc. These are trends that have proven constant in recent times, seeming to be efficient in the demands of society, but bearing major flaws that must be addressed. 

These trends, or characteristics, have at their core personal values (or a lack thereof). In a world where we have Google, Facebook, Twitter, and our trusted news outlets resting on the palm of our hands, accessible at our fingertips, convenience, speed, and a craving for relevance rise to the top of our minds, controlling the way we obtain our information and satisfy ourselves with our findings. 

Many of us feel a huge need to express our opinions on major news events on social media, but do so without the proper quality or amount of literature. We just get whatever we can as quickly as we can, pack it into a neat little unit, and throw it out in such a manner that resembles a snowball fight. That is what we feel we need to do, in order to "keep up with the times."

But this pattern is actually setting us backwards, way, way backwards.

Now I will move forward to address why I am writing this, and why you should know that this matters. I will start with a few questions: 

How many of you have felt discouraged on behalf of humanity by reading the comments section of a news article?

How many of you feel the need to avoid social media outlets when a major, controversial story or event has just taken place?

How many people do you think question themselves on how much they truly know about a story before posting an opinion for a large volume of people to see?

The answers you probably came up with are most likely the reasons why many of you want to stay off social media when major events have happened, and for good reason.

Something I have learned from my experience, and from studying political science and history, is that affiliation weighs heavily in our minds, spirits, and motivations. We oftentimes, without a second thought, side with the stances that fit the value base of our political affiliation, class affiliation, race, education level, whatever it may be. To fix this, we need to become aware of our values, our opinions, etc, so that they do not cloud our judgment or perceptions of reality.

For example, I come from a privileged, white family. I am aware of the stereotypes that people I meet will throw me into knowing only that bit of information. I know that some people will completely discredit my thoughts or opinions, shutting me out completely, without me even being able to open my mouth, because of where I come from. Because of the situation I was born into, I will, in many cases and stories, have to work much harder to establish my credibility and earn the trust of my interview subjects. That is a fact that I have come to accept, understand, and prepare to train myself to compensate for before it comes back to haunt me.

But there is more to me, and more to every human being you will encounter in your life, than meets the eye. No one perfectly fits a stereotype. Everyone has a unique story to tell, and most people have one that will surprise you.

And here is the key point I want to make: you should never feel obligated to lean a certain way because you think it is what your background, whether it be past or present, expects of you. Your stances should come from you, and only you. Your needs, your feelings, and your view of right and wrong, NOT those of anyone else.

So here's how you do it. Step away from where you come from, open yourself up to exploring possibilities and viewpoints of other sides. Don't label yourself. Terms like white privilege, hoodlum, trailer trash, wealthy snob, wrong side of the tracks, NEED to go. Throw them away, because once you do, people might just stop subconsciously stereotyping you as such, and you them. And then maybe, just maybe, we can begin to create a world that is more accepting, open-minded, and intelligent.

Value and trustworthiness need to come before convenience. Emotions must be kept in balance, and not come too much in contact with facts and knowledge, because this breeds corruption and misleading information.

If something makes you angry, ask yourself why. Let the emotion flow out of you ONLY after you have attained credible information. And what is credible? Well, if you begin with a neutral standpoint and a discerning eye, it will not be too difficult to figure that out. When there is a lack of information, try everything you can to find it BEFORE forming a concrete opinion. If it's not there, wait for it. If it never comes, resist the urge to try to fill in the blanks yourself, because that is what makes news subjective and not objective.

Opinions and banter can be much more healthy and thought-provoking than they currently are if we try to adopt some of these principles. After all, our freedom of speech is a precious thing. But let us create a more interesting venue of expressing it by knowing as much as we can. Knowledge is power, and it's a power we should all want more of, if we are to cure the ignorance that is plaguing social media, and help ourselves be able to discern a solid fact from a twisted one.

It's not an easy process, but give it a shot. At this time next year, you may be patting yourself on the back for it.